[LONDON] The Making of Harry Potter


Warner Bros. Studio Tour London- The Making of Harry Potter
Transportation: the bus to the site is in Watford Junction Station.
每當天氣陰雨綿綿的時候,就會想起這趟魔法之旅。那一天的倫敦好冷又飄著毛毛雨,坐著地鐵到了Watford Junction, 出站後左手邊的公車亭有接我門前往哈利波特拍攝片場的 9 3/4巴士。
The gloomy weather outside always make me think of this enchanted trip. ‘Once upon a time…and the fairy sprinkle magical dust….’, uh no, it’s actually ‘London sprinkle some rain to the air….’, I’ve arrived upon Watford Junction to catch my 9 3/4 bus to the Studio of The Making of Harry Potter.
學姊已經事先在網絡上訂票,各位要注意噢: 一定要「事先訂票」因為是根據你預定的場次進去片場的,無法現場購票。
My friend booked our ticket prior, which is a must-do since you can’t buy on the spot and can only go in the time scheduled.
And let the magic begin! ✨✨✨✨✨
非常精緻的介紹與餐具/ a close up at every detail of the scene
Always wonder how in the world the Director can come up with so many people/ faces in the scene, it’s the magic special effect and the people making the film behind!  The people on the wall to begin are faces of the staff behind the film- the Director, Assistants, Dressers, Make-Up artists, the kid are the staff’s family..etc, anyone you can think of that has contributed to the film.
好啦~不掃大家的興致,公佈所有的照片,這樣來時,哪有什麼驚喜可言呢? 大家有機會到英國走走時,別忘了可以到倫敦郊區欣賞哈利波特的片場。
Won’t spoil the show, so will only show some of the pictures. Come to London to explore it more on your own!
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有想過Hogwarts整個外觀長什麼樣子嘛? 這巨大的模型展示了整個學校的大小與周遭,從後院到第一集學生們搭著小船搖到學校的河都有顯示出來。在這兒就可以逛超過半小時了,整個細節令人目不轉睛!
Ever wonder how Hogwarts looks like? THIS would tell you the every detail from the 1st movie how the students rafted to the school and anything you can think of.
這!是讓所有家長們為之抓狂的地方- 禮品店!!!!!!!
在這兒上演了無數同樣的對話:“媽咪~我可以買這隻嗎?” 排排的魔法棒,一枝要價不菲,價格從15-20英鎊不等,讓所有小朋友趨之若鶩,看著他們閃閃發亮的眼睛,各個使勁了絕招,一下說這要當提前的“媽媽給的”(或“爸爸給的”)生日禮物、預先的聖誕禮物、xx節慶禮物,所有可以想到的情節都在此上演。學姊的媽媽笑說 “讓小朋友們打一打,就知道那一枝魔法棒值得購買,因其他的都壞了!” 囧。
the GIFT SHOP…..is where all the parents go banana.
‘Mom, can we buy the wand?’ Oopsie…we’ve heard this conversation zillion times in the gift shop, and seeing pale face from Moms and Dads. The wand is pricey, ranging from 15£-20£, and having 3 children? Ugh, you know what you are waiting for! My friend’s mom said: ‘They should go Akraban and fight with the wand, the wand that survive is the one worth the penny!’
「要有巨大的勇氣與敵人奮戰,更需要更大的勇氣來相挺朋友。」- J.K. Rowling 《哈利波特- 神秘的魔法石》
「夢想不是做夢就會實現,別忘了要一步一步腳踏實地才能邁向夢想。」- J.K. Rowling 《哈利波特- 神秘的魔法石》
「出身在哪兒不是我們能決定的,但要成為怎麼樣的人是掌握在我們手中。」- J.K. Rowling 《哈利波特- 火盃的考驗》
“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.” ― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” ― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
“It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.” ― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Published by

Tiff @ Tiff Goes To

Travel and Lifestyle: http://tiffgoesto.com/

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