[TAIPEI] 2013 NBA Global Game x NBA Cares: This close with Jeremy Lin

with ( a kid in the middle) Jeremy Lin
with (a kid in the middle) Jeremy Lin
You can pinch me as hard as I could and I won’t feel anything. It’s like living on a dream, and I can’t wake up (ya, you wanna pinch me again?! Lol)

And I could kept on stare at this photo’s over and over again.
* Photos are not allowed to be taken by us, so i gathered photo from media and anywhere i can find. Sigh..unfortunately didn’t have a photo with him from the front. >O<
已經過了一週, 但這一切似乎如夢一場, 想起的時候, 還是覺得一切都不可思議.
*主辦單位規定不能拍照(大哭)所以我只好找尋各單位的照片 可憐的背影, 無正面照 >O<
Here we go 2013NBATaipeiGame
Here we go 2013NBATaipeiGame
Last weekend NBA- Houston Rockets and Indiana Pacers came to Taiwan for the 2013 Global Game.  It was a coincidence that I saw a post that they are hiring volunteer and then with few rounds of interviews, my sis and I were selected as the only 10 translators for the special event- NBA Care for the Houson Rockets.
上星期NBA兩支球隊- 休士頓火箭隊與印第安納溜馬隊來台灣打NBA熱身賽.
前一陣子逛PTT志工版有人在討論此活動在招募志工, 後來經過幾關面試, 我與姊姊最後與其他8位同學們選上擔任NBA CARE活動 休士頓火箭隊球員的籃球助教兼翻譯.
You may be wondering what is NBA Care, here’s a great clip:
什麼是NBA CARE呢? 請看:
I’ve always like to attend this kind of special event to pay forward what I can contribute to the society.
我一直很喜歡做國際志工, 將自己所能做的與有的小小能力回饋於社會.
 The Taiwanese Special Olympics were the little angels to enjoy their memorable moments with the NBA team. They were all divided into 8 teams with their teacher and a translator with them. We started up by having warm up led by Betty, I’d suppose is the coach for the NBA Care event and the NBA players stood in the front and the end to demonstrate to the kids.  Afterwards 2 team as a group would go clockwise in changing stations in practicing basketball skills with different NBA players teaching at the station.
這一次和休士頓火箭隊球員們參與活動的是台灣特殊奧運選手. 選手們被分成8組, 每組都有一位籃球翻譯助理隨隊.  首先由Betty帶領我們做操, 我想她應該是NBA CARE 的教練, 其他NBA球員們站在選手們的前面或後面協助他們做操與示範. 之後2隊為一組以順時鐘的方式到不同的定點與NBA球員們會合, 各定點會有3-5位NBA球員指導此定點的籃球訓練.
Getting ready peep
Getting ready peep
It’s neat to have a super super close up with the NBA players and see how they interact with the kids. And they are humongous tall!!!!! How on earth why ?
能近距離的看到NBA球員們是一件好瘋狂的事, 看到他們怎麼跟孩子們互動, 我覺得很扯的是- 他們真的好高!超級高!
I recalled Dwight Howard was all ecstasy in smile, enjoying himself, having fun throughout the event.
印象中看到的Dwight Howard超級活潑, 從頭到尾活蹦亂跳的, 活力無限.
Chandler Parsons who is absolutely cute like the media said was very attentive in demonstrating dribble to the kids and cheering for them. Between time when i am not busy taking care of the kids i would stare at him and wish the time could stop, lol.
吸金耶高富帥Chandler Parsons 很細心的指導孩子們運球, 為他們加油. 因為我的組別主要是他負責的, 所以我有神可以發呆的時候, 會一直看著他….. 永遠記住這美好時刻.
Warm Up
Warm Up
James Hardens has a pair of eye that look like he’ll roll his eyes in any second. I was looking forward to see it happen, however he never did.
James Harden 那無神的眼睛, 我一直等著他翻白眼, 有一刹那我真的覺得他要翻了噢~可惜無緣親眼見證
Our man, American-Taiwanese NBA player Jeremy Lin was just like a boy next door. His Mandarin has improved a lot. Why I say that? Cause I would suppose he may had memorize the line for the media, but I heard him chit chat about this and that with the kid and the teacher that you know that he really had improved a lot! Incredible improvement for such a short time! And how does it felt like seeing him in person? Astonished and shy (haha) I want to punch myself sooooooo bad! I was gonna run and stand besides him thinking I’ll translate for him, but then after realizing he has good Chinese and thought ‘oh well, I’ll just stand here then’ AND I miss the chance to talk to him (ahhhhhhhhhhhh) BUT we did have 2 times eye contacts…lol….which I’d hope for more …(cry) Jeremy Lin is a petite size in the NBA, it’s obviously when he stands beside his teammate and the previous Chinese player Yao Ming. Seeing his petite size and others as grand, i truly from the bottom of my feet amaze him for his persistent and hard working. I guess that’s a virgo personality- hate to give up and want to show the world what i can do.
咱們家的林書豪是一位鄰家男孩, 他的中文真的進步很多!這一點我一定要強調. 在新聞上看到他時, 我那時候覺得他有可能是應媒體要求背了一小段, 但是跟他本人接觸後, 他很家常話, 聽到老師叫小孩名字”書亞!“ 他馬上說:”你叫做書雅嗎? 我哥哥叫做書雅耶!!!” 非常親切的一位球員, 沒有架勢. 可惜我沒有機會跟他講到一句話, 我快發瘋了, 但有兩次眼神交會, 本人非常小鹿亂撞超級緊張, 擺出很酷的臉(啊~啥臉啊!)
當看到林書豪站在移動長城姚明旁邊時, 發現他好迷你噢!跟其他隊員們站在一起的時候也是. 在這樣先天上的差距, 真心覺得他的個性- 堅持與努力不懈造就了今天的他, 我想這也是處女座的特質吧!
Yao Ming (left) and Jeremy Lin (right)
Yao Ming (left) and Jeremy Lin (right)
It’s a lifetime experience in seeing the NBA players in person, to interact with them a bit,  and stand next to them realizing how short I am.  Gees, they are very very tall indeed. Ah….(still daydreaming) Beyond word experience. Unexpected bucket list check!
Can go to the movie theater and watch Linsanity which is in the cinema now. Went to watch it few days ago and it’s inspiring, and hey- don’t give up what you want all, you may not get what you want now, perhaps you may get it one day when you believe and work hard, it’s all about working hard and learn the skills. I believe you only live once and this only once, we can live it with no regrets.
這一輩子從來沒有想過可以與NBA有那麼近的一次機會, 可以在擔任籃球翻譯助教的時候與他們稍有互動, 能站在他們身旁發現自己的渺小, 無法用言語形容的感動.
現在可以到電影院看林書豪的紀錄片. 前幾天跟朋友去看, 是一部非常激勵人心的故事, 他的跌跌撞撞心路歷程, 告訴我們:請不要放棄你的夢想, 有一天他會實現的, 雖然不是現在, 立即, 馬上, 但隨著你的努力與相信自己, 沒有什麼是不可能的. 我一直很相信YOLO (you only live once), 而這一個YOLO是不要有後悔的
Thank you Taipei!
Thank you Taipei!
me at the very right with held high (so i can see myself when i look back one day)
me at the very right with held high (so i can see myself when i look back one day)
The Last Pick
A video clip i saw on Jeremy Lin’s youtube a video about helping others. When we give to others, we often benefit in return. It usually happens when we expect it the least, but need it the most.
The film was produced to support the Jeremy Lin Foundation (@jlinfoundation).
剛看林書豪的youtube影片看到這一部在敘述幫助他人, 施比受更有福.
此影片為支持Jeremy Lin 基金會而製作的.
Hey Jeremy, IF one day you see this blog, please tell me you did 🙂
如果有一天林書豪看到這一篇網誌, 請一定要跟我說噢 :D
Photo Credits: NBA Website, NBA Care Website, Staff and Teacher

Published by

Tiff @ Tiff Goes To

Travel and Lifestyle: http://tiffgoesto.com/

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